Do these 5 things before going on vacations!

As the summer drags on, many leave for vacation. As you make sure to have everything to be able to enjoy your vacation to the fullest, doing these little tips will allow you to not only save money boy not to have to worry about anything happening to your house.


  • Turn off your water. If a pipe were to break, no one would be home to fix it allowing the water to run and run.With keeping it off not only are you saving money, you are preventing a catastrophe.
  • Stop the ice. If you have an automatic ice machine, leaving it on for a week or even a weekend without anyone using any can lead to too much ice. As the ice piles up, not only could the machine cloog up, you could be wasting water, and money.
  • Disconnect. When you leave to a tropical island and “disconnect” from the world, you should do the same to any or all things plugged into the wall. Doing so can save you a lot bill wise. Not only that, if water were to somehow get in, nothing will get fried.
  • It’s getting hot in here. As the days get longer, and the heat gets hotter, the only thing you want to do is pray the AC will never break. Leaving the AC on for however many days could be very damaging. If it gets too cold, the machine could get ice to build up potential ruining it, and the bill would be off the charts! Before you leave, program it or leave it at about 70*F
  • Clean up. Before you leave, make sure you get rid of any perishable items, or anything that’s close to expiring. In doing so you can prevent any mold from appearing and you won’t attract any unwanted pest. Also, take out the trash before you leave! If you leave anything there, it will stay there for a very long time, and you don’t want to get home to such a foul smell.


Having fun in the sun is great, but it’s even better when you don’t have to worry about anything. Even better, with the money you’re saving, you can spend even more on your vacation! Have fun, and stay safe!

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